
(Publication list in Google Scholar)

Merritt H, Severino GJ, Izquierdo EJ (Submitted) The Dynamics of Social Interaction among Evolved Model Agents. Journal of Artificial Life.

Gaul TM, Izquierdo EJ (Submitted) Cognitive distinctions and minimal cognition: Analysis of a referential communication task without pregiven distinctions. Journal of Artificial Life.

Yao S, Nunley J, Izquierdo EJ (2023) Go by Its Name: Evolution and Analysis of Conceptual Referential Communication. Artificial Life Conference 2023. MIT Press. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00669.

Laborde Z, Izquierdo EJ (2023) Spatial Embedding of Edges in a Synaptic Generative Model of C. elegans. Artificial Life Conference 2023. MIT Press. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00611

Severino GJ, Merritt H, Izquierdo EJ (2023) Between you and me: A systematic analysis of mutual social interaction in perceptual crossing agents. Artificial Life Conference 2023. MIT Press. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00609

Stolting L, Beer RD, Izquierdo EJ (2023) Characterizing the Role of Homeostatic Plasticity in Central Pattern Generators. Artificial Life Conference 2023. MIT Press. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00599

Iizuka H, Suzuki K, Uno R, Damiano L, Spychala N, Aguilera M, Izquierdo EJ, Suzuki R, Baltieri M (2023). Ghost in the machine. ALIFE 2023 Proceedings. MIT Press.

Izquierdo EJ, Severino G, Merrit H (2022) Perpetual crossers without sensory delay: revisiting the perceptual crossing simulation studies. Artificial Life Conference 2022.

Izquierdo EJ, Candadai, M (2022) What does functional connectivity tell us about the behaviorally functional connectivity of a multifunctional neural circuit? Artificial Life Conference 2022.

Yoder J, Cooper A, Cehong W, Izquierdo EJ (2022) Reinforcement learning for central pattern generation in dynamical recurrent neural networks. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.  doi: 10.3389/fncom.2022.818985

Campbell CM, Izquierdo EJ, Goldstone RL (2022) Partial copying and the role of diversity in social learning performance. Collective Intelligence. doi: 10.1177/263391372210818

Olivares, E, Izquierdo EJ, Beer RD (2021) A neuromechanical model of multiple network rhythmic pattern generators for forward locomotion in C. elegans. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 15:572339. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2021.572339

Ikeda M, Matsumoto H, Izquierdo EJ (2021). Persistent thermal input controls steering behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLOS Computational Biology 17(1), e1007916. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007916

Leite A, Izquierdo EJ (2021). Generating reward structures on a parameterized distribution of dynamics tasks. Artificial Life Conference Proceedings. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00466. 

Candadai M, Izquierdo EJ (2020). Sources of predictive information in dynamical neural networks. Nature Scientific Reports 10, 16901. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-73380-x. Winner of the 2021 ISAL (International Society of Artificial Life) Outstanding Student Paper Award.

Candadai MV, Izquierdo EJ (2020). infotheory: A C++/Python package for multivariate information theoretic analysis. Journal of Open Source Software 5(47), 1609. doi: 10.21105/joss.01609.

Leite A, Candadai M, Izquierdo EJ (2020). Reinforcement learning beyond the Bellman equation: Exploring critic objectives using evolution. Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 441–449. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00338

Benson, L., Candadai, M., Izquierdo EJ (2020). Neural reuse in multifunctional neural networks for control tasks. Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 210–218. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00319

Dahlberg, B., Izquierdo EJ (2020). Contributions from parallel strategies for spatial orientation in C. elegans. Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 16–24. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00346

Luthra, M. Izquierdo EJ, Todd P (2020). Cognition evolves with the emergence of environmental patchiness. Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 450–458. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00330

Todd G., Candadai M., Izquierdo EJ. (2020). Interaction between evolution and learning in NK fitness landscapes. Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 751-767. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00331

Sheybani S, Izquierdo EJ, Eatai, R. (2020). Exploring dyadic strategies for cooperative physical tasks. 2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 684-689. doi: 10.1109/HAPTICS45997.2020.ras.HAP20.26.5d3bec79.

Izquierdo, E.J. (2019) Role of simulation models in understanding the generation of behavior in C. elegans. Current Opinion in Systems Biology. 13:93–101. doi: 10.1016/j.coisb.2018.11.003

Candadai, M., Setzler, M., Izquierdo, E.J., Froese, T. (2019) Embodied dyadic interaction increases complexity of neural dynamics: A minimal agent-based simulation model. Frontiers in Pscychology. 10. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00540.

Rodriguez, N., Izquierdo, E.J., Ahn, Y.Y. (2019) Optimal modularity and memory capacity of neural reservoirs. Network Neuroscience. 3(2):551-566. doi: 10.1162/netn_a_00082.

Izquierdo, E.J. Beer, R.D. (2018) From head to tail: A neuromechanical model of forward locomotion in C. elegans. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 373(1758). pii: 20170374. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2017.0374.

Yoder A.J.,  Izquierdo E.J. (2018) Behavioral stability in the face of neuromodulation in brain-body-environment systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Life. Tokyo, Japan. MIT Press. doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00054.

Candadai M.V., Izquierdo E.J. (2018) Three levels of neural reuse in embodied agents. In Proceedings of the Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, Wisconsin.

Froese, T., Izquierdo, E.J. (2018) A dynamical approach to the phenomenology of body memory: Past interactions can shape present capacities without neuroplasticity. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 25(7-8):20-46(27).

Siqueiros JM, Froese T, Gerhenson C, Aguilar W, Sayama H, Izquierdo EJ (2018) ALife and Society: Editorial Introduction to the Artificial Life Conference 2016 Special Issue. Artificial Life 24(1). MIT Press.

Olivares, E., Izquierdo, E.J., Beer, R.D. (2017) Potential role of a ventral nerve cord central pattern generator in forward and backward locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans. Network Neuroscience. Advance publication 10.1162/netn_a_00036.

Aguilera, M., Alquezar, C., Izquierdo, E.J. (2017) Signatures of criticality in a maximum entropy model of the C. elegans brain during free behaviour. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference of Artificial Life. Lyon, France.

Candadai M.V., Izquierdo, E.J. (2017) Information Bottleneck in Control Tasks with Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Sardinia, Italy.

Setzler M., Izquierdo, E.J. (2017) Adaptability and Neural Reuse in Minimally Cognitive Agents. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. London, UK: Cognitive Science Society.

Candadai M.V., Izquierdo, E.J. (2017) Evolution and Analysis of Embodied Spiking Neural Networks Reveals Task-Specific Clusters of Effective Networks. Proceedings of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Berlin, Germany: ACM.

Izquierdo, E.J., Beer, R.D. (2016) The whole worm: brain–body–environment models of C. elegans. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 40:23–30. doi:10.1016/j.conb.2016.06.005

Roberts WM, Augustine SB, Lawton KJ, Lindsay TH, Thiele TR, Izquierdo EJ, Faumont S, Lindsay RA, Britton MC, Pokala N, Bargmann CI, Lockery SR (2016) A stochastic neuronal model predicts random search behaviors at multiple spatial scales in C. elegans. eLife 2016;10.7554/eLife.12572.

Izquierdo, E.J., Williams, P. and Beer, R.D. (2015). Information flow through the C. elegans klinotaxis circuit. PLoS ONE 10(10):e0140397. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140397.

Izquierdo, E.J. and Beer, R.D. (2015). An integrated neuromechanical model of steering in C. elegans. In the Proceedings of ECAL 2015 (pp. 199-206). MIT Press.

Izquierdo, E.J., Aguilera, M. and Beer, R.D. (2013). Analysis of ultrastability in small dynamical recurrent neural networks. In P. Lio, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi & M. Pavone (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life: ECAL 2013 (pp. 51-58).

Izquierdo, E.J., and Beer, R.D.  (2013) Connecting a connectome to behavior: An ensemble of neuroanatomical models of C. elegans klinotaxis. PLoS Computational Biology 9(2): e1002890. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002890.

Izquierdo, E.J., and Lockery, S.R.  (2010) Evolution and analysis of minimal neural circuits for klinotaxis in C. elegans. Journal of Neuroscience 30:12908-12817. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2606-10.2010

Izquierdo, E.J., Harvey, I. and Beer, R.D. (2008) Associative learning on a continuum in evolved dynamical neural networks. Journal of Adaptive Behavior 16:361-384.

Izquierdo, E.J. and Buhrmann, T. (2008) Analysis of a dynamical recurrent neural network evolved for two qualitatively different tasks: Walking and chemotaxis. In S. Bullock, J. Noble, R. A. Watson, and M. A. Bedau (Eds.) Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Artificial Life. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Winner of the best student paper award.

Izquierdo, E.J. and Fernando, C. (2008) The evolution of evolvability in gene transcription networks. In S. Bullock, J. Noble, R. A. Watson, and M. A. Bedau (Eds.) In S. Bullock, J. Noble, R. A. Watson, and M. A. Bedau (Eds.) Proceedings of the 11th Int. Conf. on Artificial Life. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Izquierdo, E.J. and Harvey, I. (2007) The dynamics of associative learning in an evolved situated agent. In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Artificial Life. Springer-Verlag.

Fine, P., Di Paolo, E., and Izquierdo, E.J. (2007) Adapting to your body. In F. Almeida e Costa et al. (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life (pp. 203-211). Springer.

Froese, T., Virgo, N., and Izquierdo, E.J. (2007) Autonomy: a review and reappraisal. In F. Almeida e Costa et al. (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life (pp. 455-464). Springer.

Izquierdo, E.J., and Harvey, I. (2007) Hebbian learning using fixed weight evolved dynamical neural networks. In H.A. Abbass et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the First IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (pp. 394-401). IEEE Press.

Izquierdo, E.J., and Harvey, I. (2006) Learning on a Continuum in Evolved Dynamical Node Networks. In L. Rocha et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (pp. 507-512). MIT Press.

Izquierdo, E.J., and Di Paolo, E. (2005) Is an embodied system ever purely reactive? In M. Capcarrere et al. (Eds.) Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the Eight European Conference on Artificial Life (pp. 252-261). Springer-Verlag.

Izquierdo, E.J. (2004) The Role of Nearly Neutral Networks in the Evolution of Dynamical Neural Networks. In J. Pollack et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (pp. 322-327). MIT Press.

As Editor

Siqueiros JM, Froese T, Gerhenson C, Aguilar W, Sayama H, Izquierdo EJ (In Press) Special Issue: Artificial Life Conference 2016. Artificial Life 24(1). MIT Press.

Gerhenson C, Froese T, Siqueiros JM, Aguilar W, Izquierdo EJ, Sayama H. (2016) Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2016. MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262339360.

Izquierdo, E.J. and Almeida e Costa, F. (2006) Special Issue on the dynamical systems approach to cognition. Adaptive Behavior 14(2).

Ph.D. thesis

The dynamics of learning behavior: A situated, embodied, and dynamical systems approach (2008). University of Sussex.


Page updated April, 2017.